• 116 Goodwin Road
    Durham, NC 27712

Monday – Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Saturday 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Closed 1st & 5th Saturdays each month

608 Morreene Road 27705
(919) 489-0615

Monday – Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Saturday 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Closed 1st & 5th Saturdays each month

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Services Menu & Pricing

We are currently updating our prices. This menu will reflect exact prices soon. If you have any questions about services, please reach out to our team. At a wellness visit or appointment to establish care and a doctor/patient relationship, we will make your pet a personalized treatment plan. Thank you!

The services menu offers a general look at our many care and treatment options. We promise to be your partner in vet medicine and believe pet parents are vital collaborators in helping pets live the best lives.

We believe in full transparency. Many care options have a large price range since we see a large variety of patients, and many factors, such as weight and medication needs, go into anesthetic procedures. Our Fear Free team is always here to offer education. We’re happy to give you detailed recommendations for optimum care.

Wellness Care

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Wellness exam…….$70

Pediatric (puppy or kitten) exam…….$50

Senior exam…….$75

Puppy series (4 visits, including vaccine boosters)…….approximately $610 total

Kitten series (4 visits, including vaccine boosters)……..approximately $680 total


Behavior consultation with an RVT…….$65

Behavior consultation with a veterinarian…….$120

Biohazard fee (or any service requiring a needle)$6 one time per visit per pet


Nail trim $20

Nail trim with assistance (for highly anxious, very large, or lightly sedated pets) $24

Nail dremel (sanding) $25

Toe grips (dogs) or Soft Paws (cats) application $20
Usually requires a nail trim (additional cost)

Wellness plans

Canine Vaccines

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Rabies (Purevax) $40

Distemper/parvo $30-$50

Bordetella $34.65

Influenza $38

Lyme $41

Leptospirosis $26

Distemper w/ Leptospirosis $39

Biohazard fee (or any service requiring a needle)$6 one time per visit per pet

Lab Work & Diagnostics

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Intestinal parasite screen $40

Heartworm test (dogs) $56.65

FeLV/FIV (cats) $56

Ear cytology $45

Skin cytology $48

Fecal cytology $47

Cytology review first site $67

Cytology review second site $54

Urinalysis $75

Embark DNA testing $200

In-house diagnostic screening (blood work, may include urine & fecal tests) $150-$250

Idexx panels (blood work, may include urine & fecal tests) $150-$250

Radiographs dental to full body $60-$320

Urgent prescription refill $5

Biohazard fee (or any service requiring a needle)$6 one time per visit per pet

Canine Dentistry

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Price ranges for dentistry are broad due to a number of factors: size of the pet, time needed in surgery, amount of anesthesia, etc. It is especially common in dentistry to find hidden problems once your pet is under anesthesia. We will call you with updates should we discover any issue.

Dental score 1-2 (cleaning & possible extractions) $499-$942

Dental score 2-3 (cleaning and likely extractions) $820-$1,470

Dental score 4 (cleaning and highly likely extractions) $1,064-$1,905

Biohazard fee (or any service requiring a needle)$6 one time per visit per pet

Canine Neuter

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Price ranges for anesthetic procedures are broad due to a number of factors: size of the pet, time needed in surgery, amount of anesthesia, etc.

Up to 40 lbs $520-$713

41-80 lbs $640-$715

41-80 lbs with gastropexy (stomach stapling) $980-$1,270

81+ lbs $730-$930

81+ lbs with gastropexy $1,115-$1,350

Biohazard fee (or any service requiring a needle)$6 one time per visit per pet

Gastropexy, for large breed dogs, is an operative procedure suturing the stomach wall to the stomach lining to prevent dangerous stomach flipping.

Feline Neuter/Spay

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Price ranges for anesthetic procedures are broad due to a number of factors: size of the pet, time needed in surgery, amount of anesthesia, etc.

Neuter $380-$435

Spay $616-$725

Biohazard fee (or any service requiring a needle)$6 one time per visit per pet

Specialty Orthopedic Surgery

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All specialty surgeries are performed at Eno Animal Hospital with a senior veterinary assistant and the specialty team of our partner Synergy Mobile Veterinary Surgery. Dr. Cindy Eward is a board-certified surgeon. The deposit for specialty surgery is $700. Price ranges are broad due to a number of factors: size of the pet, amount of anesthesia, time in surgery, discovering hidden issues, etc.

TPLO (knee repair w/ metal plate & screw) under 100 lbs $3,700-$4,000

TPLO 100+ lbs $4,100-$4,400

Lateral suture $3,100-$3,400

Patellar luxation repair $2,700-$3,000

Femoral head & neck excision under 45 lbs $2,500-$2,800

Femoral head & neck excision 45+ lbs $2,700-$3,000

Chronic fracture $3,100-$3,400

Arthrodesis $4,400-$4,700

Biohazard fee (for any service required a needle) $6 one time per visit per pet

Medical Treatments

Consultation for illness, injury, etc. (exam other than wellness checkup) $80

Health assessment with a vet assistant (taking vital signs, checking skin, etc.) $20

Treatment progress exam $50

Urgent exam $110.50

Emergency exam $200

Canine sedation $25-$126

Feline sedation $27-$42

Laser therapy


Heartworm treatment $1,050-$2,220

Euthanasia $70-$446 depending on your wishes

Biohazard fee (or any service requiring a needle)$6 one time per visit per pet

Feline Vaccines

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Rabies (Purevax) $39

FVRCP (Purevax) $32

Feline leukemia $44.25

Biohazard fee (or any service requiring a needle)$6 one time per visit per pet

Feline Dentistry

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Price ranges for dentistry are broad due to a number of factors: size of the pet, time needed in surgery, amount of anesthesia, etc. It is especially common in dentistry to find hidden problems once your pet is under anesthesia. We will call you with updates should we discover any issue.

Dental score 1-2 (cleaning & possible extractions) $658-$1,215

Dental score 3-4 (cleaning & highly likely extractions) $943-$1,680

Biohazard fee (or any service requiring a needle)$6 one time per visit per pet

Canine Spay

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Price ranges for anesthetic procedures are broad due to a number of factors: size of the pet, time needed in surgery, amount of anesthesia, etc.

Up to 40 lbs $548-$800

41-80 lbs $730-$955

41-80 lbs with gastropexy (stomach stapling) $1,008-$1,275

81+ lbs $880-$1,220

81+ lbs with gastropexy (stomach stapling) $1,165-$1,490

Biohazard fee (or any service requiring a needle)$6 one time per visit per pet

General Surgery

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Price ranges are broad due to a number of factors: size of the pet, time in surgery, amount of anesthesia, discovering hidden issues, etc.

Mass removal $800-$2,000

Dentistry & mass removal $900-$2,200

Ear hematoma $430-$955

Entropion (operation to repair an eyelid turned inward) $775-$1,095

Prolapsed third eyelid gland (cherry eye) $770-$1,225

Feline tail amputation $725-$1,042

Canine tail amputation $790-$1,380

Canine leg amputation $1,225-$1,760

Cystotomy (to remove bladder stones and/or tumors) $1,625-$2,330

Exploratory with enterotomy (an incision in the intestines) $1,300-$2,495

Biohazard fee (or any service requiring a needle)$6 one time per visit per pet

Specialty Soft Tissue Surgery

Get more info on orthopedic surgery

All specialty surgeries are performed at Eno Animal Hospital with a senior veterinary assistant and the specialty team of our partner Synergy Mobile Veterinary Surgery. Dr. Cindy Eward is a board-certified surgeon. The deposit for specialty surgery is $700. Ranges are broad due to a number of factors: size of the pet, amount of anesthesia, time in surgery, discovering hidden issues, etc.

Mass removal $2,000-$3,400

Pyometra (uterine infection) $1,407-$2,110

Laparotomy $2,500-$3,400

Cystotomy $2,700-$3,000

Toe/nail amputation $2,300-$2,600

Canine limb amputation under 40 lbs $3,100-$3,400

Canine limb amputation 41+ lbs $3,100-$3,400

Feline limb amputation $2,900-$3,200

Splenectomy $2,900-$3,200

Anal sac unilateral $2,400-$2,700

Anal sac bilateral $3,000-$3,400

Cholecystectomy $3,100-$3,400

Laryngeal tieback $3,100-$3,400

Brachycephalic airway $2,500-$2,800

Perineal hernia $2,900-$3,200

Sialocele $2,900-$3,200

Total ear canal ablation (one side) $3,400-$3,700

Thyroidectomy $2,400-$3,400

Ventral bulla osteotomy $2,500-$3,400

Mandibulectomy $3,100-$4,000

Perineal urethrostomy $3,100-$3,400

Scrotal urethrostomy $2,700-$3,000

Gastropexy (stomach stapling) $2,500-$2,800

Biohazard fee (or any service requiring a needle)$6 one time per visit per pet


Visit our boarding page for all Eno’s boarding amenities, policies, pricing, and perks…plus to see photo galleries of happy Eno boarders.

We’re a Fear Free hospital because Fear Free is best medicine.