Click on each option for exact prices.
Bath Package
“Face, Feet, and Fanny” Trim
Full Groom
Includes nail trim, anal gland expression, and ear cleaning
Up to 25 pounds:
Short $42
Medium $44
Long $46
Medium $44
Long $46
26 to 50 pounds:
Short $48
Medium $50
Long $52
Medium $50
Long $52
51 to 75 pounds:
Short $54
Medium $56
Long $58
Medium $56
Long $58
76 to 100 pounds:
Short $58
Medium $60
Long $62
Medium $60
Long $62
100+ pounds:
Short $62
Medium $66
Long $74
Medium $66
Long $74
Includes bath package (Without bath $40)
Up to 25 pounds:
Short $52
Medium $56
Long $58
Medium $56
Long $58
26 to 50 pounds:
Short $58
Medium $62
Long $64
Medium $62
Long $64
51 to 75 pounds:
Short $64
Medium $68
Long $70
Medium $68
Long $70
76 to 100 pounds:
Short $68
Medium $72
Long $76
Medium $72
Long $76
100+ pounds:
Short $72
Medium $78
Long $80
Medium $78
Long $80
Aloe & oatmeal
Brightening & whitening
Medicated shampoo for itchy skin
Medicated flea & tick bath
Conditioning treatment
Furminator treatment
Poodle feet (special trim)
Teeth brushing
Soft Paws nail covers
Nail dremel (sanding)
Eye cleaning
Ear hair plucking
Sanitary trim
Brushing out mats, per 20 minutes
Shaving mats, per 20 minutes
Grooming with assistance (for highly anxious, very large, or lightly sedated pets)
Includes Bath Package
Up to 25 pounds:
Short $62
Medium $64
Long $66
Medium $64
Long $66
26 to 50 pounds:
Short $74
Medium $78
Long $80
Medium $78
Long $80
51 to 75 pounds:
Short $82
Medium $86
Long $88
Medium $86
Long $88
76 to 100 pounds:
Short $92
Medium $94
Long $98
Medium $94
Long $98
100+ pounds:
Short $100
Medium $108
Long $116
Medium $108
Long $116
Click on each option for exact prices.
Bath Package
“Face, Feet, and Fanny” Trim
Full Groom
Includes nail trim and ear cleaning
Short $48
Medium $50
Long $52
Includes bath package
Short $54
Medium $56
Long $58
Without bath $40
Aloe & oatmeal
Brightening & whitening
Medicated shampoo for itchy skin
Medicated flea & tick bath
Conditioning treatment
Furminator treatment
Teeth brushing
Soft Paws nail covers
Nail dremel (sanding)
Eye cleaning
Ear hair plucking
Sanitary trim
Brushing out mats, per 20 minutes
Shaving mats, per 20 minutes
Grooming with assistance (for highly anxious, very large, or lightly sedated pets)
Includes bath package
Short $64
Medium $66
Long $68