Stage 1: gingivitis—inflamed gums, still completely reversible
Stage 2: early periodontis—sore gums and bad breath, still reversible
Stage 3: moderate periodontis—infected gums and pain, may be irreversible
Stage 4: advanced periodontis—chronic infection and major damage, irreversible
We can reverse early stages of dental disease by catching it early and removing plaque and tartar at annual dental cleanings. When dental disease reaches stages 3 or 4, the worst damage occurs and dental surgery to remove infected teeth is often necessary.
For details on professional dentistry, one of our core services, please click here.
The Importance of Regular Pet Dental Care
What can you do to keep your pet in good dental health? Be proactive…
- Start a weekly brushing routine. Weekly teeth brushing can make a huge difference. Never use human toothpaste. We have special yummy toothpaste just for pets.
- Treat with chews. Dental chews are very effective against dental disease. They’re delicious and an easy way to give your pet treats! Ask our team for all the options.
- Feed a dental diet. Your pet’s diet plays a central role in good health. We recommend several brands of dental diets backed by decades of scientific research and study.
- Get your pet’s teeth examined regularly. A routine wellness visit at Eno Animal Hospital includes an expert assessment of your pet’s oral health and custom recommendations for dental care.
- Keep an eye out. Between regular check-ups, peek at your pet’s teeth and gums to monitor for anything strange.

What If My Pet Already Has Advanced Dental Disease?
We can still help! Advanced dental disease often requires dental surgery, which may involve extracting diseased teeth. Remember: Dental surgery to remove diseased teeth leads to better health.
We’ve treated many pets who were lethargic or didn’t want to eat because they were suffering from advanced dental disease. Once they underwent dental surgery and healed, they became happy, perky pets again!
For details on professional dentistry, one of our core services, please click here.